Monday, September 12, 2011

And it Shall be Called…

Cyber.Beast: Prototype

The name for your story’s title is the first thing someone will look at when they read it. It is also one of the first things they will say when they bring your story up in a conversation with someone else. Knowing this it’s important that you get the name of your title right.

Here are some important rules to consider when you choose the name of your title:

1. It's easy to remember

Using words that people of your target audience have used or seen before helps since it is familiar to them. But you don’t want it to be so familiar that people will also forget about it, so it needs to be done in a way that will keep it unique.

In the title Cyber.Beast: Prototype I did this by using three different names that is used every day. So that it would not be too familiar I used words that would not normal be used together often. Cyber and beast aren’t words that are related so this will make the person more curious about and more likely to remember it.

If they do forget about it they might think about it later on when they run across one or more of the words in your title and the more they see it the more familiar they will become increasing the chance they will read, play, or watch your story.

It’s also important to be easy to remember, because the first things people do when they want to find out more information is look it up online. After they read it they want to tell other people about what they read. They can’t do these is they can’t at all remember what the title of the story was.

2. It’s easy to read and pronounce

This should be a given if they can’t pronounce the title it will be harder to spell it out and it might become a 50-50 chance of them remembering it or not. They might remember it because they can’t pronounce it or forget because they never heard the name before.

They also need to be able to pronounce if they have read your book and want to tell some else about it but they can’t do that if the recall the title of the book. This can prevent the story from spreading through word of mouth.

3. It has something to do with the story

Make sure your title has at least something to do with the story that you are creating. It should give the person that sees it an idea of the genre of the story and what it might be about.

In the title Cyber.Beast: Prototype Cyber.Beast relates to the technology that is used in the story. Cyber also suggest that it has something to do with cyberspace or something high-tech. The subtitle prototype lets the reader know that this is the first phase of something in the case of this story it is the Xybrids.

4. It should be intriguing and original

Make it something that is interesting to your target audience so that someone will read it so they can find out more about it.

And a original name helps differentiate your story from the others so there is no confusion as to what story your audience is reading.

To add uniqueness and originality to the title Cyber.Beast: Prototype I added a “.” (Dot) to separate Cyber and Beast. The subtitle Prototype will add intrigue as the audience may wonder exactly what the prototype of the story is.


You don’t want to go on the first name that you think of. Make a list of names that you can use and get advice from family, friends, or from communities on the internet. This way you can find out how people will react to it if they.

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